Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The final countdown...

The Final Countdown, by 80s band Europe, has been considered one of the most awesomely bad songs ever written and performed. But today the phrase is not reclaimed to describe a most righteous thing...the final countdown until my friend arrives from Los Angeles.

My friend who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent and probably satisfied is a very sweet guy and this is his first visit to Seattle. He and I have known each other for many years now and this will be our first major visit together. I am hella excited. Yes, I said it, HELLA!

So why am I regressing into surfer/fratboy (but can you regress if you never were one)? The answer is simple. My friend just knows how to make me smile. Not with anything specific he does or anything, but he just makes me smile.

Sometimes a smile is all you have...

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