Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pursuit of the White Whale....

Moby Dick is a very long and boring novel by Herman Melville that I never finished in college and probably never will. In fact, I am proud to say that they crew were not even out of dock when I stopped reading the damn thing. But I know the basic story of a man obsessed with killing the white whale, so much so, that he risks life, limb, and his sanity to achieve is goal. I know understand.

I spent the better part of my Sunday afternoon in pursuit of my own version of the white whale. I can now understand how you can completely lose one's mind in a ridiculous pursuit that leads to nothing. I have the migraine headache to prove it.

So what drives us to these ridiculous pursuits? What makes us just hang one for just one more moment at the stray possibility of completing our goal? What makes us punish ourselves like this for little to no reward? I think I have the answer.

Stupidity. Unmitigated, colossal stupidity. It's that simple. Don't believe me? Take a moment and think about all the insane and futile pursuits you kept working on far longer than you should have and you will see the answer is clear and true. Sad isn't it?

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