Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bringing back the faith...

Everyone knows, or should know, that I am not a huge fan of the sun. I am much more attuned to the moonlight. Not only is it romantic, but it is a whole lot easier on the eyes.

However, it is not my love of the moon that made me choose this photo of a first quarter moon (and yes, it is first quarter or so the site I picked it from says). It is because it accurately depicts my emotional state right now.

I was going through what would be a new Moon phase in terms of my faith in my own instincts about life, the universe, everything. But I am happy to say that thanks to a rather close call I am seeing the light again.

I make this apology to all my friends and loved ones (who none of whom read this) that I am back on task and open for business...

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