Thursday, July 05, 2007

(Lack of) delusions of grandeur

Aries are supposed to e known for their confidence and dare I say it, delusions of grandeur. But what happens to an Aries who lacks this trait and instead has the same energy funneled into low self esteem? Well, I can tell ya since I am the latter.

I always see myself as far less than I am to friends, family, co-workers, etc. This low self esteem tends to manifest itself into allowing anyone who shows me the least bit of positive feedback to take advantage of me -- enter a certain someone who is now a no one.

But what is making me more upset about this pattern more than anything is my worry that it is affecting my judgment to know who really cares and who is trying to take advantage. Do I need to do a Rachel and have a Monica tell me what do do? Or so I need to do some primal screaming to cleanse myself of this negative energy.

I told a friend today that the last thing I ever want to do is hurt a friend and I am afraid until I get this sorted out that all I am doing is hurting my friends. I hope they will forgive me this transgression and be there when I reach the other side.

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