Thursday, December 06, 2007

One step away from the blue screen of death...

The older iMac sitting to the left of this text is displaying a blank screen.  That blank screen, with the few items in the dock, that is my brain lately.  A bunch of stuff just under the surface with no actual focus or clarity on anything.  This is no way to live.

I have been working for so long with so much drama and trauma around me for so long that I feel like I just cannot imagine how I have made it this far.  This past year has been one of the most intense and unsettling of my life.  I feel like I have been in a hamster wheel (now there is an idea for another blog) that is spinning without me actually running or keeping pace.  I can only hope that the much needed rest and time off I have coming will do the trick of re-charging the batteries of my soul.

But why do I need to be re-charged more so now that ever before?  What has made this year's trials and tribulations that much more intense and different than any before?  What about this year has made me become a blank screen?  Even more to the point though, will next year be the upgrade I am seeking and oh so deserving... 

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