Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chicken, party of one?

So yeah, I did not actually spill my guts today as I had intended to and there is a really good reason.  Well, maybe not a good reason, but one that I can live with for the time being.  But I did lay solid groundwork that there was something I needed to clear the air about.  So in legal terms, notice has been given.

Why did I not go forward as I had planned and intended for many weeks now.  Well, it was not because I did not have enough potential opportunities to bring up the topic.  In fact, I flat out said there is something I have been wanting to talk about for some time.  But in light of the way things went at the end, it not only did not seem appropriate, but I felt outright uncomfortable at the thought of it.

So where does this leave me?  Well, I still have about 15 days left in 2007 to get this burden off my chest.  I think I can do that easily.  But I assure you, I will not chicken out again.  Oh hell, maybe I will, who knows anymore. 

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