Saturday, December 29, 2007

A new crossroad?

It is coming up on a new year and it has me wondering if I am at a new crossroad for the new year.  I have a lot of non-important stuff going in my life right now so I am not sure if I should make major changes or just let stuff develop on its own.  As usual, I just cannot bring myself to make a decision.  I do know that I need to pick a path this time, since the past of me doing some of one and some of the other is just not working.

Of all things I need to take some action on, I think my two most important things are my personal life and my writing.  I have that someone I want to see if things could develop into something more, but I know that he has some feasibility issues.  As for my writing, I think blogging is the baby step I needed to get back into that pool.  I am going to test the waters at deviantART and maybe get the anonymous feedback I need to get back on path.

I feel 2008 is going to be significant for me.  Unfortunately, I can't say I feel it will be a positive significance for me.  A lot of negative has borne down on me the past few months so I ma not sure how it is going to impact me yet.  No matter what though, I am very ready to say goodbye to 2007.

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