Monday, November 06, 2006

What marketing genius came up with this one...

So I was walking back to work from lunch when I found tonight's blog pic staring me in the face. I thought to myself, "What an odd name for a beverage." Then I thought to myself, "Ewww!" So this brings me to tonight's tirade: Who the hell are these people who come up with this?

I understand the basics of marketing, since I used to do it for sometime. But why give a beverage such a connotation rich name? Do you want people to relate your product with those nasty and rather gross connotations? Or was someone asleep at the wheel when this one came out?

Now I know I readily admit that my being an English major has majorly affected my connotation radar to a rather hypersensitive degree, but this one is one that anyone can relate to. So this begs the question - where are those fundamental zealots screaming from the hill tops about this sort of thing being a degradation of the family?

Oh yeah, that's right, this is about making money, so they keep their mouths shut. Can I please get my copy of this week's crib sheet on what is degrading the family this week?

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