Thursday, November 09, 2006

My muse is on a coffee break...

Now I know it does not seem like it, but all of my blogs are inspired by something happening to me during the day. I admit, that there are some days that I just really struggle for that inspirational topic to rant and rave about. But tonight, I am completely blank.

I had a pretty ok day at work, was feeling extremely run down all day though. I think I had way too many wickedly strange dreams the night before and that always drains the life out of me. But today I just cannot think of a single thing that is not only topic sustainable, but anything period.

So me being me, mu natural worry now is that my voice is gone. But can I really call the random diatribes I post on here a voice? Does this mean that I am reaching a point of contentment and satisfaction to the point where I no longer need to regurgitate my subconscious on the net? Now isn't that a scary thought...

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