Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The true breakdown of society is here...

I just read on the AP Newswire that OJ Simpson will be appearing on Fox on 11/27 and 11/29 in an interview titled O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened.

Now, isn't Fox supposed to be the hard hitting, conservative liberals, gays and pro-choice are causing society to crumble? Yet, here they are engaging in gutless, tactless sensationalism for some ratings. I cry foul.

Whether or not the man did it is irrelevant to me (but rest assured I have a distinct opinion on the subject, as I am sure most do), but for Fox to allow this man to parade in front of the world a Columbo-esque theory "if" he did it is abhorrent.

What angers me more about this situation is that as a gay man, I am not allowed to marry, as a gay man, I am not allowed the same civil liberties protections that other citizens are, and as a gay man, I am continually called by the Religious Right as the reason society is crumbling around out eyes.

But how could I forget, I am simply a easy excuse for greater things that are wrong in the world. But how could I forget, I live in a society that hungers for the next great train wreck with rabid morbid curiosity, instead of searching out ways to find the common link we share as human beings.

But how could I forget, the school yard bully mentality is never really just takes on a new form and searches for a larger audience to satiate its hunger for being more...

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