Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sassy children...

I am watching Deal or No Deal (since I cannot find much else on right now) and it is a special 80's tribute edition.  The box girls(?) are in bad 80's fashion and the contestant's 8 year old is dressed up to match the box girls.  Makes me want it puke it is so cute.

So the reason I am choosing this as a topic?  The 8 year old is so damn sassy.    She is giving attitude to everyone and everything thing.  What I am thinking is...where the hell do these kids get the freedom to be so sassy?  I know as a kid I was scared to speak, let alone be heard, and kids today are just out there.

Is this a sign of the more global world in which we are truly one people?  A lack of discipline from parents?  Or is it a sign of a society in which traditional boundaries like tact and common courtesy are no longer necessary.  While I am all for open communication, I am not sure that a retreat or abandonment of those tried and true elements to social interaction.  But then again, what do I know, I was accused of stalking someone last week...

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