Monday, January 07, 2008

No longer a laughing matter

I joke about it.  A lot.  But today for the first time, I TRULY feel it.  I had a decent day.  Not a great day, not a bad day, just a day.  I honestly do not have a specific strong feeling one way or the other.  I feel like there is nothing left inside.  At all.

It is coming up, in a few short weeks, on the one year anniversary of the end of the most complicated 5 years of my life.  All I feel about it today is absolutely nothing.  What pain and anger and other emotion that was there, about everything, is gone.  Not even an empty pit, just nothing.

How do you go from having a life full of emotions and feelings to having nothing left.  The well having gone dry.  Do you look for something to kick start it again?  Do you ignore it and hope it corrects itself?  I will let ya all know once I figure it out.

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