Thursday, January 03, 2008

Not so cute when you are accused of it...

Stalking -- we joke about it -- we may even experience it -- and thanks to RCW 9A.46.110 it is illegal in Washington State.  The things is, one person's stalking could be another's showing interest.  It is a fine line, isn't it?

In today's modern world, with so much hustle and bustle, how do you know what is the appropriate amount of attention to pay, to make your intentions of interest known, without being accused to stalking someone?  Difficult question indeed, since to not show enough attention, you may give the impression of indifference and to give too much attention, you get the stalking card.

Add to that the other person's perceptions and baggage, how can anyone safely connect in this crazy faced paced world.  I know I am personally taking a break from the whole merry go round, since I have been burned one too many times now.  I just give up.

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