Thursday, December 07, 2006

Breathe in, breathe out...

Tonight's blog photo reminds me that every once in awhile we all need to stop and take a moment to look around and say, "Hey..."

I have felt like the past few weeks I am running on fumes. Work has slowed down considerably, I am taking some time off from my real estate course, and I have been pretty hermit-like in regards to my social life. But I still feel like I am running on fumes.

I cannot remember the last time I felt totally re-charged and ready to tackle life. I saw Natural Prozac for a total of 7 days last month, twice what I normally do, and I still feel like I am running on fumes.

I made a promise to myself recently to start taking stock and make changes that will work for me in the long run. But like a car with bad gas, do I need to run through all the crap in my tank, before I can fill up the tank with the good stuff. I guess until then I am just going to be running on fumes...

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