Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Today was not my best day at work. I have a case in which there is a probate open both here and in Texas. The Texas probate court has taken the stance that even though we have a perfectly valid legal system in Washington, we should have made sure to get Texas court approval for every action taken for the past 18 months. To me this reaks of the old school yard bully antics.

So why is it that no matter how old some people never grow up? Why is it that no matter how mature people think they are, they still think that they need to make others feel small?

When I was in school, before I became the master verbalizer I am today, I was one of those people picked on for being different. I spent a lot of time feeling scared and inadequate.

I guess that is why I entered the field I did, since I want to help those who cannot help themselves. I know so Knight Rider...

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