Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Nuts-n-bolts and maybe a little compulsive...

So this is the 27th entry of my blog and to celebrate it I have created its own site. There is still a link from the main site, but you can now get here directly if you like as well, since there is a link from the main site to here.

I also added an email me button to the end of each entry in case you want to easily rant back at me and I encourage that, since I love to chat about the insanity that is my mind.

Now why am I wasting ab log on this? Well, like the blog title says, maybe a little compulsive I am, would say Yoda (well, I can check my Yoda speak widget for that - and yes, there is one, REALLY!).

Anyway, enjoy, email, and lets get this party started...

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