Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm just spare parts...

I am sitting here watching the latest episode of Doctor Who and I was starting to write my blog about some childhood trauma. Well, Mickey makes a comment to the Doctor, "It's always been about Rose. I'm just spare parts." This comment stopped me dead in my tracks. It rang so true to me based on my current relationship.

I joke with my partner that he puts me last and even go as far as to say, "Your family comes first, your friends are second, every other damn thing in the world is next, and then I am dead last." Scary thing is, I do not even think this is true anymore. I am just spare parts to him.

This one stray comment in a sci-fi series has made me realize just how easily I can be replaced with someone else. It makes me wonder if he has really ever meant anything he has said to me. What is worse? This has happened to me once before. That person whose birthday I received a reminder for last week (and ironically enough again today) put me in this same situation. I am so surprised that I let if come upon me so unexpectedly. I should have know better.

For those who are curious about tonight's blog art work, it is the cover art to Genesis' And Then There Were Three album.

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