Thursday, November 29, 2007

What in hell is wrong with people?

So I was waiting for the bus today and heard the sirens of an ambulance running down 2nd Avenue and then turning up Madison (for non-Seattleites, this is relevant, since these are very busy street at rush hour).  I watched as countless motorists, and even some oblivious pedestrians, did nothing to get out of the way of the ambulance.  So I ask you, what the hell is wrong with people?

I can imagine these same people not moving out of the way of the ambulance being the same ones complaining that ambulances and police never get anywhere quickly enough.  Yet they cannot connect the dots in their head that they are the cause of the delays in other emergencies.  I should no longer be surprised that I live in a country where its citizens twice voted for George W. Bush.

So the point of tonight's rant & rave?  People are stupid.  The end.

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