Thursday, September 28, 2006

Have you seen this man..

Today was day one of Certified Professional Guardian training. One of the last presenters today is this very flashy, smarmy, attorney who was way too much high energy for me. He sort of reminded me of, yes, you guessed it, Guy Smiley from Sesame Street (featured above).

So this experience has sent me into tonight;s rant about how high energy people are not only annoying, but just damn draining. It is like they are those kids in school who were always “look at me” except they are now all grown up and louder than before.

People like me, the quiet, shy ones in the crowd who never spoke up about anything, are the ones who suffer most from people like this, because we are then compared to that and believed to have something wrong with us as a result.

So I would like to ask all of those people, on behalf of all of my people, just stop before our inner rageaholics come out and strangle you.

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