Monday, September 10, 2007

Rethinking everything...

Do you ever have days where you start to question every decision you ever made? Question the decision you not only made recently, but the decisions you made years ago? Do you ever begin to question how your life can have ended up where it is based on those decisions you have made?

Well, if you are me, you thought about that on 9/12/2006. How funny that almost a year later I am in the same place in my life I was then. Sort of at least.

A year ago I was living in West Seattle with my ex. Today I am living on Capitol Hill with a friend. I am still at the same job. Still liking it for the most part. A lot of my friends I was keeping myself surrounded with a year ago are not distant or gone from my life for one reason or another.

Just makes one wonder whether there is such a thing as progress or if we are simply all just in the same never ending circle. If we are in a circle, what blinds us from remembering where we have been before? These are questions I need to answer. So I can learn from the past so I can make sure I am making progress, since I am damn tired of sitting still.

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