Saturday, September 29, 2007

Good luck next time...

I was almost fooled -- AGAIN! But not this time. I started to think that I needed to forget the past and embrace the present. But not this time. I saw the true colors come out and they did not match mine.

I was almost fooled to think that the same words from someone different would have a different meaning. But I was wrong. I started to think that with an increase in intelligence came a reduction in selfishness. But not this time. I saw the a reflection from my past looking me in the face.

I was almost fooled into repeating the same mistake - AGAIN! I started to think that I could not be on my own. But I was wrong. I started to think that I needed someone by my side to be complete. But not this time. I saw the inner strength inside to end a cycle that has repeated itself for far too long.

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